Eels Meet The Eels Rar File

Eels Meet The Eels Rar File Rating: 3,7/5 9995 votes

Ce freza mi se potriveste program ma. There are six out of these ten tracks that are dark and spacey and give an eerie and haunting mood.

  1. The Eel Movie
  2. The Eels Tour

The Holy Modal Rounders' fourth album finds Peter Stampfel and Steve Weber joining forces with the Moray Eels, the morerock-oriented sideline band Stampfel had formed with drummer and playwright Sam Shepard, to make the weirdest album of their entire entertainingly bizarre career. THE MORAY EELS EAT THE HOLY MODAL ROUNDERS starts with the utterly loopy 'Bird Song' and only gets more strange and fragmented from there. It's not just all freaky and noisy, though: songs like the genuinely lovely 'One Will Do For Now' and 'Dame Fortune' are actually pretty and melodic, and others, like 'Half A Mind', work up a good boogie-rock head of steam. But then there's the unfathomable sonic morass 'Mobile Line' and the cheerfully out-of-it 'The STP Song', which are about as weird asrock got in the '60s.

The Eel Movie


The Eels Tour

THE MORAY EELS EAT THE HOLY MODAL ROUNDERS is a true cracked acid-folk classic.