Alex Steinbach Piano Serial Number
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Piano Serial Numbers
When Was Your Yamaha Piano Made?To check the age of a Yamaha pianomade in Japan, simply check the serial number against the listbelow.YEARSERIAL No.YEARSERIAL No.YEARSERIAL No.1900Start ofProduction0002020.Indonesia andIndonesia pianos are designed and developed at YamahaHeadquarters in Japan, drawing on over 100 years of accumulatedYamaha expertise. Many of the major parts are produced here aswell, including flawlessly vacuum-cast V-Pro frames, copper woundstrings for superb bass tones, and lathe-cut nickel-plated tuningpins. Yamaha Japan also oversees the production of othercomponents, and provides technical support for assembly of thesepianos, at Yamaha Indonesia.Additional parts are produced and the pianos are assembled atYamaha's ISO 9002-certified facilities in Indonesia. Here,components from other Yamaha production bases are combined withIndonesian Made structural and cabinetry elements, and transformedinto finely finished Yamaha pianos. Tuning, regulation, voicing andinspection are performed by expert technicians, skilfully trainedat Yamaha Japan, to ensure that the tone, touch and overall qualityof these instruments meets Yamaha's worldwide standards.Established in 1981, Yamaha Indonesia builds pianos to the samehigh standards for which all Yamaha instruments are renowned. UsingYamaha training, tools and techniques, this advanced, modernproduction base has earned the coveted ISO9002 certification forsuperior quality control.Note: Only JU, JX & U1J model pianos are imported fromIndonesia to Australia. The pianos imported to Australia arespecifically built for Australian Conditions.To check the age of a Yamaha piano made in Indonesia, simplycheck the serial number against the list below.
Steinbach Piano For Sale