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Autor: Elizabeth AdlerTitlu Original: Private Desires / LeonieAnul publicari:1985Serie: de Courmon Saga #1Link: Goodreads ' & 'With only her exoticbeauty, seductive innocence, pride, and fiery spirit, Leonie came fromthe provinces to find her future in Paris. From the shame of musichalls, she rose to international fame singing songs of love and longing,straight from the heart. From Paris to the Cote d'Azur, from New Yorkto Brazil, from Cuba to Cairo, she moved in a dazzling world of money,passion, and power-a world darkened only by the relentlessly hunger ofone man's obsession-a man determined to possess her. A man whocould never lover her, never let her go. Autor:Elizabeth AdlerTitlu Original:PeachAnul publicari:1995Serie:de Courmon Saga #2Link:Peach de Courmont -Wild child, teenage temptress, exquisite woman.
The adoredgranddaughter of Leonie and heiress to the de Courmont dynasty, she grewup in luxury, used to having life - and love - on her own terms.NoelMaddox - Raised in an Iowa orphanage, used to the mean streets ofDetroit, he fought his way from the assembly line the pinnacle ofpower. Peach -and the automobile empire she commanded - were part ofthe dream he meant to have. At any price.From wartime Paris tothe dazzling Cote d'Azue. From the frenetic boardrooms of Detroit andthe palatial homes of Grosse Pointe to the stately English countryside,their indomitable wills collide in a saga of consuming passion and rawpower played out against the backdrop of a rich and reckless world. Autor:Elizabeth AdlerTitlu Original: The Property of a LadyAnul publicari:1990Link:The magnificent Ivanoffemerald: It surfaced at Christie's at Geneva, 'The Property ofa Lady'-a lady now sought by powerful men intent on seizing a legacythat could tilt the world balance of power.The terrifyingIvanoff secret: She lived like a pauper with a royal ransom ingems, determined to carry her secret to the grave.
Until an actof love and a public auction brought the world-and the curse-to herdoor.The last of the Ivanoffs-pawns in a deadly game:The royal gems are merely the lure to the hidden billions for whichnations are willing to kill. The last of the Ivanoffs should have diedin 1917. Now, two generations later, they are the prize-and the prey.From war-torn Russia to New York's teeming Lower East Side. From Ziegfeld's Broadway and the Hollywood of the moguls tocontemporary Washington, Geneva, and Berlin, Elizabeth's Adler's novelof passion, power, and royal privilege will command your attention tothe very last page. Autor:Elizabeth AdlerTitlu Original:The Hotel RivieraAnul publicari:2003Link:Celebra autoareElizabeth Adler pune in scena, in romanul de mare succes ‘HotelRiviera’, o atragatoare si incitanta poveste despre tradare, iubire sifamilie, totul pe fondul unei intrigi cu implicatii politiste. Stapanitade pasiune, Lola March, eroina cartii, hotaraste sa se marite cuPatrick Laforet, proprietarul Hotelului Riviera, situat in pitoreascazona Saint-Tropez.
Ea traieste o viata de vis pina intr-o zi cindPatrick, sotul, dispare fara nici o explicatie. Dupa sase luni, apare unaventurier american, Jack Farrar, care o va face pe Lola sa inteleagaadevaratele dimensiuni ale cuvantului „atractie“. Suspectata deimplicare in disparitia lui Patrick, ea pleaca impreuna cu Jack incautarea acestuia. Cei doi, atrasi in mod irezistibil unul de catrecelalalt, au parte de intimplari socante. O carte care va vrajeste si vapoarta prin unele dintre cele mai romantice locuri din lume.
Autor:Elizabeth AdlerTitlu Original: Fortune is a WomanAnul publicari:1992Link:The three met in theaftermath of San Francisco's devastating 1906 earthquake-the MandarinLai Tsin, a runaway American heiress, and a young Englishwoman. Againstall odds they made their dreams come true, building one of the world'slargest trading companies and most luxurious hotels.
They had onlyeach other-and bloody secrets to bury even as they rose to dizzyingheights, wary of love yet vulnerable to passion in its most dangerousforms. The Mandarin would pass his multi-billion-dollar empire only tothe women in the Lai Tsin dynasty-along with one last devastatingtruth.Sweeping from the turn of the century through the1960's, from the Orient to San Francisco and New York, Elizabeth Adlerhas written a magnificent novel of new wealth and old privilege, familypassions and secret shame, of women surviving, triumphant, in theriveting saga of romantic intrigue.
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